Parents, Stay in Control

Family Group

Parents, Stay in Control

Most working parents with children (especially those below the age of 12) will understand the challenge against time.

How can a working parent best maximise his/her time and stay on top of things at home? TOUCH Family Services offers five tips to help working parents do so!

  1. Be open to ask for help, receive help or render help
    • As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child”. Don’t be afraid to seek help from your relatives, friends, neighbours etc.!
    • For example, they can help with things like babysitting or ferrying your kids to and from school.
  2. Time management
    • Balancing your time between work and home does not always mean having equal time for both. It’s about priority.
    • Some things are seasonal, and we need to be flexible to adapt and adjust accordingly by allocating different amounts of time when needed.
    • Sometimes, a sacrifice is needed. For example, it could mean taking no pay leave to support your child through his/her PSLE exams.
  3. Importance of self-care
    • Self-care ensures that you are in a healthy state so that you can take care of your family.
    • Your family is a joy and motivation rather than a dread or burden!
  4. Role model healthy family values
    • Model for your children love, respect, responsibility and other family values you believe in. Your action, speech, behaviour and the way you relate with others should reflect the values you want to teach.
    • Get your children involved in doing household chores and contributing to family events to teach responsibility and helpfulness.
  5. Discuss family life arrangements for your child
    • Every family is different and thus, there will be different family life arrangements such as schedulling of children/family activities and the role of each parent too!
    • Don’t compare with other families. Comparison often breeds unhealthy striving and guilt.

Be open to ask for help if you need family-related support. For counselling services, contact TOUCH Family Services at 6709 8400.

TOUCH Family Services aims to build strong and fulfilling families, and promote the well-being of individuals and families in need. It impacts over 12,500 families and individuals each year through family-based services and programmes, and strives to provide a holistic integrated service to serve the needs of every person and family at every stage of their lives.