Have you ever felt clueless about something your teen said, or read a text your teen wrote which just didn’t make sense at all? Chances are you were stumped by teen slang or lingo. Read on as TOUCH Cyber Wellness decodes five commonly used terms by youths online to help you get your lingo skills “on fleek”! Found this cheat sheet useful? Then don't miss out on Part 2 of the Youth Lingo Cheat Sheet!
TOUCH Cyber Wellness (TCW) is a pioneer and leading non-profit agency that champions cyber wellness and media literacy education in Singapore. Since 2001, TCW has reached more than 320 schools and one million youths, parents, educators and counsellors through its education, advocacy and intervention efforts. Want to know more on the latest online trends that may be affecting your child? Get in touch with TOUCH Cyber Wellness here!